CROATIA CITIZENS — CANADA Tourist and Business Visa / Electronic Travel Authority from Immigration and Government Office of Canada

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Address : Ul. Akcije Maslenica 1, 23000, Zadar, Croatia

Phone : +385 23 400 320

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Canadian Electronic Travel Authority obavezna je za stanovnike nacija koji se ne moraju zamarati s papirnatom vizom,priority canada visa Links to an external site. ali se odvažuju u Kanadu zračnim putem. Ova elektronička viza izravno je povezana s vašom putovnicom i ispunjava se kao kratki obrazac za vizu za

Kanadu.canada medical visa Links to an external site. Ona ostaje legitimna čak pet godina ili dok vaša viza ne istekne, što god počne.canada student visa Links to an external site. U slučaju da je vaša putovnica izgubljena, uzeta, oštećena ili ponovno izdana, emergency canada eta Links to an external site.trebali biste podnijeti zahtjev za drugu Electronic Travel Authority.electronic travel authority for canada Links to an external site. S legitimnim Electronic Travel Authorityom možete posjetiti Kanadu u različitim prilikama za kratke boravke,canada evisa Links to an external site. redovito do 180 dana za svaki posjet. Nakon slijetanja u zračni terminal,canada business visa Links to an external site. dužnosniku na granici trebate predati e-mail kopiju svoje Electronic Travel Authority ili Online Canada Visa, uz putovnicu. Što ponijeti na zračni terminal, neka vam bude pri ruci elektronička kopija ili ispis vaše e-pošte s odobrenjem Electronic Travel Authority. Jamčimo da vaša putovnica odgovara onoj korištenoj u vašoj aplikaciji Electronic Travel Authority.canada tourist visa Links to an external site. Osoblje zrakoplova stvarno će pogledati vašu vizu i elektroničku putnu upravu kako bi potvrdili njihovu legitimnost.canada tourist visa Links to an external site. U slučaju da imate različite putovnice, nosite onu koja se odnosi na vašu Electronic Travel Authority. canada eta Links to an external site.Kako biste izbjegli probleme na aerodromu, pobrinite se da prepoznatljivi dokazni broj u vašoj e-poruci s potvrdom Electronic Travel Authority odgovara broju u vašoj putovnici.evisa canada Links to an external site. U slučaju da se ne usklade, trebali biste podnijeti zahtjev za drugo tijelo za elektronička putovanja. A Canadian Electronic Travel Authority is mandatory for residents of nations who needn’t bother with a paper visa however are venturing out to Canada via air. canada visa Links to an external site.This electronic visa is connected straightforwardly to your passport and fills in as a short visa form for Canada.kanadska eviza canadian visa online Links to an external site. It stays legitimate for as long as five years or until your visa lapses, whichever starts things out. In case your passport is lost,elektroničko ovlaštenje za putovanje u Kanadu Links to an external site. taken, damaged,hitna kanadska viza Links to an external site. or re issued, you should apply for another Electronic Travel Authority.kanadska poslovna viza With a legitimate Electronic Travel Authority, you can visit Canada on various occasions for short stays, regularly as long as 180 days for each visit. Upon landing in the air terminal,kanadska poslovna viza Links to an external site. you should introduce an email copy of your Electronic Travel Authority or Online Canada Visa, alongside your passport,kanadska turistička viza Links to an external site. to the boundary official. What to Bring to the Air terminal,kanadska eviza Links to an external site. Keep a soft copy or printout of your Electronic Travel Authority endorsement email convenient. Guarantee your passport matches the one utilized in your Electronic Travel Authority application. kanadska eta Links to an external site.The aircraft staff will really take a look at your visa and Electronic Travel Authority to affirm its legitimacy. In case you have various passports, carry the one related with your Electronic Travel Authority.kanadska viza Links to an external site.To keep away from issues at the air terminal,kanadska viza online Links to an external site. ensure the recognizable proof number in your Electronic Travel Authority endorsement email matches the number in your passport. In the event that they don’t coordinate, you should apply for another Electronic Travel Authority.

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