Attitude Is Everything, So Get Lost

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Flight 123 will be delayed for the benefit of XYZ passengers." he began, 'this happens every time I fly with this airline. It's unacceptable!' I smiled and nodded. “What do you think of this mess?” he asked, dissatisfied with my half-answer. "Sorry we can't fix this. No delay but maybe you can get a free upgrade for this inconvenience," I offered.

Was I angry that our flight was delayed? Of course I was, I don't think I would be human if I wasn't, but I wouldn't be controlled by something I couldn't control. I can only control myself. Some of the best attitude quotes I've read emphasize the importance of having a good attitude, and it was foolish to let a bad attitude affect the rest of my day. I decided that writing would be a better way to use my time.

I took out my laptop, tried to turn it on and you know what?

Nada, the battery is dead. Finding a power source outside my door, the door of a competing airline, or an overpriced food court didn't help. "There must be a force here - find a cafe," I thought. Success! I plug it in, run the wire through the floor and start pecking. When my keystrokes started recording the flight delay fiasco, I was interrupted. "Sorry sir, you can't run the cable on the ground like that," says an airport employee. (Are we here for a coffee break? - just luck.) "Okay, thanks," I replied, standing up to move. "The airport has very strict rules for this kind of thing - someone could trip and fall." Again I try to thank the Lord and walk away but He continues for other reasons to send me on my way. "Really, I'm fine" I said smiling as I left.

I cross the area several times to find energy, but in vain. I decided to go back to my old place and write with a notebook and pen. “New Friend” is still there and “Hey, did you find a plug for your computer? He asks.

“No, not yet,” I replied.

"Okay, come here," he waved.

"Where are we going?" I'm asking.

He beckons me to follow in his footsteps again. Surprisingly, this concierge advises you to get up and completely reorganize (tools, groceries and maintenance) and really make room for yourself. I laughed and thanked him.

I believe I got the help I needed in my electrical dilemma because of my positive attitude.

It is a habit to make a decision every morning when leaving the house to have a good day. You have full control over your attitude and can protect it yourself. How can I allow this maintenance person (just doing his job) or anyone I come in contact with to negatively interfere with my work? I planned a positive day for x, y and z activities. "Good" or "bad" days happen because you get close to them. Think you're going to have a good day - you're right. Think you're going to have a bad day - you're right again. It’s your decision.

I didn't start every day with a good attitude – no, it takes a lot of work. It took a lot of practice, reading and some inspiring videos to improve my outlook on life. Hugh Down's quote is at its best: "A happy person is someone with a certain attitude, not that person under certain circumstances." Well this is an inspirational quote for life.

Think about your ideal days in the past. You couldn't have written a better scene if you made money that way in Hollywood. How was it? What did or didn't you do to achieve this perfect result? I am sure you are positive and optimistic. Always choose a positive outlook to get more of the positive results you seek in life - it's the only way to get through the day.

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